
Contribution Boarding School to intellectual

Apart from the question of historical analysis, whether boarding is a continuation of the practice of Sufism in Indonesia guild and in the middle eastern, or classical religious education, but certainly the fact that Islamic education system in the context of Indonesia is an education that is still a "native" (of indigenous), so that with boarding school itself has a positive value and should be developed. In the span of the history of boarding schools, has scored some cadres thinkers who continued the struggle wheel of this nation, among others. although must also admit also that it was not the result of education from boarding an sich.

In this case, pesanteren Soebono Mantofani imaged himself participated in the minds of the people this country. Mantofani Soebono boarding school aims to print cadre of Muslim faithful and devoted (IMTAQ), and provided with a mastery of science and technology (Science and Technology) of two things is expected to be a means to pursue happiness in the world and in the Hereafter (husnud-darain). Although knowledge is basically derived from the science of religion, and separation between religion and general science is simply not to completely separate but are also more oriented to facilitate mastery of it, so according to Imam Ghazali in his monumental work (Ihya '' ulumu ad-din).
In a career undergo life on earth, human being to two very basic tasks that are mandated by God to man, namely: Peratama, Performing devotion to God (ta'abbud), as stated in the Qur'an:
وماخلقت الجن والإ نس إلا ليعبدون (الداريات: 56)
It means: "It is not I (God) created humans except to worship." (Surat adh-Dzariyaat: 56)

In addition to believing in God (faith) as a manifestation of these beliefs along with devotion and surrender ourselves totally to God (Islam) to that implemented by running all His commands and His prohibitions mejauhi all (taqwa), good words and good deeds ( 'pious charity) which is always fun and expect blessings from God Almighty and get blessings of all creatures (akhlaqul karimah). Fourth this is reflected in the sentence of a Muslim persaksiannya syahadatnya, namely testify there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God figure, that means going to practice what has been ordered and follow what has been exemplified (Uswah) by messenger.
Second, as caliph on earth, human existence on this earth a very significant role of maintaining and caring for the earth, whether environmental, cultural and humanitarian moral inhabitants itself, evidence that the mandate can be found in the word of God, which reads:
إن عرضنا الا ما نة على السموات و الأرض والجبال فأبين أن يحملنها وأشفقن منها وحملها الإنسان إنه كان ظلوما جهولا (الاحزاب: 72)
It means: "actually we have proposed a mandate to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, then it is reluctant to bear the mandate, and they feared would betray him, and dipikullah mandate it by humans. Behold, the man very dhalim and stupid" (Surat al- Ahzab: 72)
In these verses it is clear that the heavens the earth and mountains are not able to accept the mandate as caliph. In addition to the main task of the human ta'abbud also must manage the earth and all therein, to execute the mandate provided by the perfection of human reason as the main capital kekhalifahannya, therefore sense must be utilized optimally to conserve nature. Not quite the opposite, used as a means to do damage (al-ifsad), is widely away from environmental destruction, social, cultural and a series of other important phenomena. Laangan it vulgarly stated in the Qur'an:
لا تفسدوا فى الأ رض بعد إصلا حها ... (الاعراف: 56 (
It means: "Do not make mischief on earth after the fix"

The phrase, "Do not make mischief on earth after repaired" by Nur Chalish Madjid, this paragraph contains a double meaning, namely a ban damaging the earth after God dilakukanoleh improvement and prohibition do mischief on earth after repairs by the man himself. The existence of pesantren in this context is to print-ready generation and is expected to be able mememlihara his religious knowledge as well as preserving this natural based upon the mastery of the material al-Qur'an.

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